Project planning
Preparatory action
A1 Planning and preparation of the MEWLIFE project
Responsible: NextChem
Developed in collaboration with: HTR
Implementation actions
B1 Design and costruction of the upstream, heterotrophic and downstream sections of the prototype
Responsible: NextChem
Developed in collaboration with: BIO-P, HTR, LABOR e Technosind
B1.1 Basic Process Design of the new prototype unit
B1.2 Detailed Design&Executive Engineering of the new prototype units
B1.3 Construction of the new prototype units and start-up
B1.4 Definition of the detailed test campaign
B1.5 Complete actions for permits/authorizations (if needed)
B1.6 Revamping of the membrane prototype for vegetation water treatment
B1.7 Transport to olive oil site
B2 Upstream treatment of vegetation waters
Responsible: LABOR
Developed in collaboration with: BIO-P, HTR
B2.1 Upstream of fresh vegetation waters collected during the season 2018-2019
B2.2 Upstream of stored vegetation waters
B3 Photo-heterotrophic cultivation and downstream
Responsible: BIO-P
Developed in collaboration with: HTR
B3.1 Optimisation of phototrophic section
B3.2 Set up of heterotrofic growth operating conditions
B3.3 Biomass production and harvesting
B3.4 Preliminary tests for replicability of MEWLIFE process
B4 Validation tests
Responsible: HTR
Developed in collaboration with: Megara, NextChem
B4.1 Starch etraction
B4.2 Biomass application for biopolymers production
B4.3 Biomass nutraceutical properties
B5 Techno-economic Feasibility Assessment and Environmental Assessment
Responsible: Technosind
Developed in collaboration with: HTR, Megara
Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
C1 Technical Monitoring and evaluation of prototype units
Responsible: BIO-P
C2 Socio-economic impact study
Responsible: BIO-P
Public awareness and dissemination of results
D1 Dissemination & Exploitation planning and execution
Responsible: BIO-P
Developed in collaboration with: HTR, Megara, NextChem
Project Management
E1 General Project Management by PI
Responsible: NextChem
E2 Definition and monitoring of results indicators
Responsible: NextChem
E3 Audit
Responsible: NextChem
E4 After-LIFE Plan
Responsible: NextChem