Making the best of Spirulina biomass: from sustainably produced biomass to valuable phycocyanin and co-products

SPIRALG aims at building an algal biorefinery, which will make the best of different components and intermediates of Spirulina biomass in order to maximize the value derived from the biomass feedstock. The main objective is to build a demonstration plant with an anticipated production capacity of 1 MT of phycocyanin per year and tentatively a few MT of enriched amino-acid and carbohydrate extracts. Successful demonstration is critical in order to ensure a swift transition towards an industrial capacity.

Duration: 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2022
Grant Agreement No 792257 (H2020-BBI-JTI-2017)

Innovative wireless tool for reducing energy consumption and GHGs emission of water resource recovery facilities

The main objective of the LIFE LESSWATT project is the development of an innovative tool for assessing and minimizing both direct and indirect contributions to carbonfoot print of aerated compartments in Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs). This tool is composed of an instrument (LESSDRONE) for monitoring the oxygen transfer efficiency (OTE) in operating conditions and a user-friendly protocol for converting complex process information in actions aimed at minimizing WRRFs CFP and energy demand. The reduction of energy costs and the minimization of GHGs emissions, complying with the quality effluent limits, will improve the environmental and economic sustainability of WRRFs while reducing associated costs for citizens and industries. The tool’s effectiveness will be demonstrated and validated in the WRRFs of tannery CUOIODEPUR and in five other plants, three in Italy and two in the Netherlands.

Duration: 01-OCT-2017 to 30-NOV -2021
LIFE16 ENV/IT/000486

Innovative process of enhancing the efficiency of solar panels through the use of algae

The main objective of the LIFE SUNALGAE project is to demonstrate a new, innovative algae material that can provide enhancements in the efficiency of silicon-based and thin film solar panels. This project is the first of its kind that extract and utilize the shell of an algae group called diatoms in larger scale in solar panel efficiency enhancing applications. The material is produced in an environmentally friendly process where water is cleaned, valuable nutrients are recycled, carbon dioxide is absorbed, and a valuable sustainable organic biomass is also produced. The project aims to build up a larger factory for production of this innovative algae material where the cultivation also recycles nutrients from a land-based fish farm. Material produced from the facility will tested for repeatable efficiency enhancement in solar panels.

Duration: 01-JUL-2018 to 31-DEC -2021
LIFE17 CCM/SE/000050 

Development of new biostimulants with biocidal effect from microalgae and aromatic plants to reduce the use of agricultural chemicals

The main objective of the project LIFE ALGAR-BBE is to mitigate the adverse effects of chemical pesticides which are used in tomato and corn crops on the environment and human health. It will prove the effectiveness of at least three biostimulant formulates from microalgal biomass, with biocide activity from aromatic plants extracts. This will allow pesticides (insecticides and fungicides) used on these crops to be replaced. The formulates developed will be open to commercialisation in the EU at a later stage in the project, fulfilling current legislation (such as Regulation EU 528/2012) as well as future legislation (such as the proposal for the new regulation of fertilising products that will amend Regulations (EC) No 1069/2009 and (EC) No 1107/2009)

LIFE18 ENV/ES/000518

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE): treasures to recover!

The LIFE WEEE project aims to maximise the collection of WEEE in Tuscany (Italy) and Andalusia (Spain) by implementing a new governance model based on a capillary involvement of businesses and awareness raising activities among citizens. Communication towards citizens and businesses will enable these target groups to carry out new practices and to collaborate, thus ensuring the success of the initiative. Drawing public attention to the importance of separate collection of WEEE is essential to both eliminate activities that lead to severe environmental risks and for the full implementation of the WEEE Directive.

Duration: 01-SEP-2017 to 31-MAY -2021
LIFE16 GIE/IT/000645

Valorization of bio-waste resulting from the olive oil extraction process

LIFE OLEA REGENERA will build an industrial plant to produce new by-products from olive oil extraction waste. These can be transformed into high-value products such as animal feed and bio-stimulants to improve plant growth. The new process will reduce waste, energy use and air pollution. The industrial plant will be based on a patented technology that separates the liquid and solid phases of ‘alperujo’ generated during olive oil extraction using only physical treatments. This separation process leads to a solid residue with a high content (35%) of monounsaturated fatty acids and a liquid residue with a high content of antioxidant molecules and compounds of the secondary metabolism. The project aims at confirming the high economic value of these two by-products. The liquid by-product will be used to formulate 6 biofertilizers, which will be tested in olive groves, vegetables, citrus, grape and melon crops in Portugal as well as in Spain. By reducing the water content (and thus weight) of alperujo, carbon dioxide emissions from road transport of this residue to the secondary extraction factories will be reduced.

LIFE17 ENV/ES/000189